Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's Raining Memories!

Witney, Grace, and Tina



Bambi and Shiloh


Today, we are having our first rain of the season! An endless blanket of grey clouds have covered the sun, and a chill is in the air. As I put on my ugs and big sweater, I couldn't help but think back to the last time I felt rain drops on my head... in China. There it was a warm, summer night and just a couple days before Alicia (one of my besties) was going to head back home. It had been a long day full of orphan-drama and tired translators when Al ran up to me, right before the Translator and Volunteer meetings, and said, "It's raining! We have to go dance in it!" My first reaction was, "Um, yah, sure.... what do I look like? A 5 year old?" and "That is sooo not 'mature'," but Al got the best of me and next thing I knew the meetings were over and we were running downstairs to greet the wetness and to have a blast! After a stressful day it felt good to just spin around, laughing and get soaked. No, it wasn't 'mature'... but I got over it, and soon we were GLOATING over the fact that we were acting like we were 5! Aw, sweet release :) Just another reason why I love my Al... because she always knows how to make me loosen up and just have a good time. God certainly blessed me when He gave her to me!
Now, I've been home from China for two months and it has been almost three months since we danced in the rain. All recollections of stress and struggle are fuzzy, while all those special moments where time stood still stand out in my mind. As I let one memory fade into another, Fanfan, Michelle, Bambi, Shiloh, Witney, Tina, Grace, Melody and so many other faces run through my mind. I will never forget China and the girls there that I came to love... Hopefully, I will get to go back someday soon, and return to the people who, as Witney put it, are "waiting" for me <3

Friday, October 2, 2009

Funny but True

This clip was on Joshua Harris's blog :) My sister, Candice, and I had to laugh at the truth in what he was saying... and then feel just a liiittle convicted!

* You will need to turn off my music player to hear the audio on this clip. The music player is found at the bottom of the blog :)

Pretty Page Layout

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