Monday, March 22, 2010

Alone I Walk, Together We'll Run

"Therefore... let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." - Hebrews 12:1

Today I went jogging with my sister. I am not a runner. Between asthma and bad ankles it just never seemed like a good fit :p But every now and then I forget and will try a mile or two. My fifteen year old sister, Candice, had been jogging for the past few weeks and she kept talking about this awesome route that she and her friend had been jogging. I was inspired. And when I'm inspired I have to do something... so we decided to go running together :D

1/2 mile... I'm feelin' good!
1 mile... Whew, I got this.
1 1/2 miles... Why did she pick the route with the most HILLS!?
2 miles... So this is what dying feels like =p

I was not doing well. In fact, I was pretty sure I was dying at 2 miles. The route she had planned was 5 miles long! No shortcuts. No turning back. 5 MILES.

As I looked ahead, half way up the hill, I realized that Candice was almost to the top. At that point something inside of me snapped. I just gave up. I had been telling myself for the last mile to just push on. I was even listening to worship music on my ipod with lyrics like "I'm chasing after Jesus" and "We are gonna run this race for the weak" but that didn't help either! (cheesy I know...) Seeing her (my LITTLE sister for goodness sake!) so far ahead of me was just so disheartening. After a minute or so, she looked back and saw that I was reeeeally far behind her and walking. She turned around and ran back to see what was going on. I told her that I wasn't doing well and that I didn't think I could go the rest of the way, so I was going to turn around. She wouldn't hear about it! She gave me some encouragement and then I started jogging again. Again, she got ahead of me. Again, I started to walk. Finally, she came back and was like, "Seriously, are you ok?" (silly question... we were working on the third mile, NO! I was NOT OK!!!!) I told her how exhausted I was, how much pain I was in, yada yada yada. Her answer? "You CAN do this. I'll stay with you. Lets set goals, like to make it to that stoplight, and then once we get there we can set new ones, ok? You got this!" I was amazed at her patience. I was grateful for her sweet words when I was expecting something more like, "You are soooo lame." As we jogged (and sometimes walked) the rest of the way together there were moments when I wanted to give up, but whenever I did I would say to her, "Candice, I'm not feeling good... I don't know if I can make it!" All she needed to say was, "Yes you can. I'm here for you. Press on!" and for the most part, I would get a new burst of energy and keep jogging towards the next goal. Then it hit me. This is such a great picture of the Christian walk and community!

The Bible often compares our spiritual journey to a race or exercising, and today I saw how realistic this is! Running is hard... and, especially when you haven't done it before, running alone can be even harder. In fact, when breathing becomes difficult and your legs feel like lead, only the very disciplined can keep on keepin' on. That is why having a partner is so helpful- they can give you the encouragement you need and the accountability to keep running even when it gets tough. And all this is true in spiritual terms! The spiritual journey can get tough. REALLY tough. And few can handle the pressures alone. Because of this, many people give up... they start walking, or even turn around. That is why community is so key to the Christian walk. We NEED each other to build one another up when we need the encouragement, to hold one another up when we think we are going to fall. We can run so much farther with brothers and sisters in Christ encouraging us to keep up the good fight!

I wouldn't have finished the 5 miles today if I didn't have Candice there to push me to my physical limits. I wouldn't be where I'm at spiritually if certain people hadn't been a part of my life to push me to my spiritual limits. Thanks to Candice, I have set the goal to run a 10k some time within the next 2 months, and she is going to help me and be the support I need. Thanks to Jesus, I will keep on running the spiritual "race marked out" for me with perseverance. But not alone. I will stand along side my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as we all continue to pursue the path or righteousness with undivided hearts! Praise the Lord for the great blessings he has given us in the Body of Christ!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

God Transforms

Whew! These past three months have flown by! I didn't even realize how long it had been since I had posted :p But the time has been so incredible, because God has been showing me so much!

I started attending Theology Lab (my college group, Kaleo's mid-week biblestudy) in mid-January and have been so blessed! We are finishing up Tim Chester's You Can Change: God's transforming power for our sinful behaviours and negative emotions this week. WOW! I have been joyfully broken as my heart has been dissected and shown for what it really is - "black as Hell" (Horatius Bonar), and yet I have hope. For though, "I am more sinful and flawed than I would ever dare admit... at the same time I am more loved and accepted than I would ever dare hope," (Tim Keller). Isn't that so incredible! Romans 8:29 says, "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." It is so amazing to be able to claim that verse as a chosen child of God. I was predestined by the Father to be shaped and molded to be like Jesus Christ! I will continue to be sanctified and grow in Him until the glorious day I get to go and live with Him in Heaven.

Now, the basic premise of the book was how to allow God to transform your heart and so live a life glorifying Him with your emotions and behaviors. But the area I struggle with is letting God do the changing. I am prone to legalism. I want you give me a set of rules to follow, and then I will try very hard to do as they say on my own strength. It doesn't matter if I fail, thank you very much, but I got this and I don't need help... Or so my wicked heart likes to think. But Chester likes to point out that we can't do it by ourselves. That is why we decide to read books like You Can Change. We know that there is a standard and we are not meeting it. So we try to fix our sin issues with setting rules, making resolutions, etc. But the Bible makes it clear that by trying to live a "good" life on our own will get us nowhere. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." It is only by Christ grace that we are saved. As children of God there is nothing we can do to make Him love us more or less!

Chester points out, "Grace is so simple to understand and yet so hard to grasp. It's not its complexity that makes it difficult. The problem is that we seem to be hard-wired to think we must do something to make God favourably disposed towards us. We want to take the credit." Think about how ugly that is. We want to take the credit for what Christ has already done. By trying to prove ourselves by our good works, we're saying, in effect, that the cross wasn't enough. Chester gives an amazing picture when he gives this imagery: "On the cross Jesus cried out: 'It is finished.' Imagine yourself answering back: 'Not quite. I need to finish the job. I still need to win God's blessing. This is ridiculous and insulting." Who do I think I am? God came to this earth as a man, lived a perfect life, died, and rose again so that sinners like me could receive grace. He endured more sufferings than any man has ever endured before or since as he held a perfect, clear conscience before God in one moment and then suddeny bearing the sins of the world was rejected by the Father and felt His wrath poured out upon His body. (Matt. 27:32-54) No one can fathom that. And yet I often say, "That wasn't enough" with my actions. It was enough! It was so beyond enough! My thankfulness to God for making me one of His children is inexpressible as I think of what I am saved from, and where my salvation will take me. The Lord snatched me from the fires of Hell to live with Him in all His splendour and glory forever and ever. Amen!

The only way to change, the only way to grow to be more like Christ is to focus on the gospel. I love how C.J. Mahaney points out in his book Humility, "There is only one thing I know of that crushes me to the ground and humiliates me to the dust, and that is to look at the Son of God, and especially contemplate the cross... Nothing else can do it. When I see that I am a sinner... that nothing but the Son of God on the cross can save me, I'm humbled to the dust... Nothing but the cross can give us this spirit of humility." We have to let our hearts become broken over our sin. It is only when we see how great the glory of the cross is and what Christ did there do we even begin to grasp just how great our sin is!

This study has caused me to completely rethink my sin and how it relates to the cross. There are many reasons not to sin... It has a negative impact on you, it hurts people around you, etc. But most importantly, it grieves the heart of God. I know I will struggle with sin for my entire life, but I am so grateful that Kaleo did this book, so that I was able to realize that I am suppose approach sin leaning on Christ rather than my own strength! With the Spirit's help, I'll not forget it!

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