In less than eighteen hours I will have begun the trip of a lifetime to the place I have been dreaming about for the past nine months - China!!! I will arrive in Beijing on Wednesday and then take off once again to head to Xin Zheng where the Bring Me Hope staff will be holding a summit. We will begin the next six weeks with a weekend of prayer, worship, and fellowship as we prepare to minister to "orphans... in their distress." After the summit, I will be heading to Xi'an with my team. This is where I will be serving for five weeks.
As the Translator Coordinator for my location I am looking forward to reaching out to the translators, ministering to them, and hopefully finding lots of opportunities to share the Gospel! I know I will make mistakes, but I pray that God will keep me humble and that all my actions may bring glory to Him. Though the tasks ahead can seem daunting, I know that if I lean on my Savior, He will not abandon me. Thank you in advance for all of your prayers! I know I will be needing them, as will the orphans and BMH team.
Please pray for the Bring Me Hope team:
- Safe travel to China and that no one would be quarantined when arriving to the country (Some officials are withholding permission to enter the country if potential Swine Flu carriers are also traveling on the same plane)
- Logistics of getting everything to China (Guitars, Games, Crafts, etc.)
- For health of those involved in helping with the Summer Camps
- Love between all the staff members
- Peace in the midst of fear and unknowns
-God’s strength for those helping to lead camp
- For good documentary footage that will later challenge people to reach out to needy children
- For the staff to keep their eyes on Jesus
- That God would keep the doors open for lots of orphans to come to camp this summer
- Strength, Peace and Joy from the Lord so people may see and know that He is God
Please pray for me personally that:
- I will keep my eyes on Jesus and not forget my purpose
- I will be humble and have a teachable spirit as I learn new things and work with new people
- I will get lots of opportunities to share the Gospel with the translators
- I might show unconditional love to the orphans
Thanks again for your love and prayers!
P.S. For those of you who are interested in finding out more about Bring Me Hope, check out their website at :)
December 21, 2011
13 years ago
I am praying for you Amanda as your off to do God's will and be obedient to his calling no matter the cost. As you fly away from your comfort zone, may the God of Peace, the Sustainer, the Faithful one keep you in the palm of His hands and show you amazing things. I am excited for you and can't wait to watch your journey. Enjoy every second of it, it will go by fast.