Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Mother's and Mine

Last week, I was sitting in my sister's room when I found a hidden treasure... a 140 year old heirloom Bible that my grandma had given to my mom. I was captivated by its faded beauty when I first saw it years ago. When I was fifteen, I took it from its box only to place it on a shelf in my room with the impression that I would look through it sometime soon. Unfortunately, I more or less forgot about it and when I moved out of that bedroom it slipped from my mind completely. But now, a year later, I have rediscovered it! As I looked through its pages, full of newspaper clippings, pressed flowers, and papers with lists of verses on them, my curiosity was reawakened. As I read the words written so long ago I was taken over with awe. It says, "My mother's Bible and mine, in whose pages I have found peace and hope, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, read them after me and may you find what I have, amen." I felt as if those words were meant for me. I was certainly filled with peace and hope as I looked up a few of the references written on a faded piece of paper in the middle of the Bible! I have always loved old things and this Bible is now very dear to me. I think about this special book and its contents often, meditating on the lives recorded in the "Births and Deaths" section and on the little notes written in its pages. It fills me with wonder to think about how incredible God's hand is in the lives of His servants. Though I never knew this Bible's first caretaker, I can see in its pages the impact the Word had on her life and the life of her heirs. It is evident that it was a source of great comfort and I am so grateful to be able to look through it now!

"As we look back
At generations gone by,
We, reflect on the memories
That serve as a tie.
Binding us together
With future and past;
And building a story
That forever will last."
- Taken from Generations Past by Shannon Fahine

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