Monday, November 30, 2009

A Grateful Heart

One of my favorite worship songs is called "Give Thanks." The lyrics go like this...

Give thanks with a grateful heart,
Give thanks unto the Holy One,
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son!

That describes EXACTLY how I was feeling on Thanksgiving, last Thursday. Like many people, I can not even count how many things I have to be thankful for, but everything I have starts with Christ and his sacrifice for me! All pales in comparison when I meditate on the cross and what happened there 2000 years ago. Sometimes (like right now...), I am OVERWHELMED by my Savior. I am in AWE of what He has done for me. It's not like I deserve his grace! I deserve justice, which for me would mean Hell. That gives me chills to think about. Every young girl dreams of a prince who would be willing to give his life up to save her from something, anything.... My prince sacrificed Himself for me totally and completely and gave me LIFE when I was DEAD in my sin! WOW!!! That is why he is at the top of my "things-to-be-thankful-for" list... he has basically swept me off my feet ;-)
Salvation was the ultimate gift God could give me, but He has even taken it a step further. He has rescued me out of the miry clay and made my wicked heart white as snow, and now as I walk with Him he blesses me in "countless" ways. So, in honor of all my Lord has done for me, I will now be blogging once a week about a random number things that I am thankful for. I have decided to toss the one-blog-post-a-week thing out the window... God is doing so much in my life and I want to start sharing more. Also, I have been totally inspired by Jasmine Baucham's blog ( She blogs almost every day and it is always so encouraging. I definitely aspire to be like her! One thing I really like about her blog is the interactive nature of it all. She often ends a blog post with a question to spark discussions and it is so cool to hear people's thoughts! So in hopes of hearing YOUR thoughts I must ask: what are some things you thankful for?

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